* Title: 父よ、あなたはえらかった
* Title (romaji): Chichi yo, Anata wa Erakatta
* Tagline: 1969年のオヤジと僕
* Tagline (romaji): 1969 Nen no Oyaji to Boku
* Format: Tanpatsu
* Genre: Family
* Viewership rating: 09.5 (Kanto)
* Broadcast network: TBS
* Broadcast date: 2009-Nov-16
* Air time: Monday 21:00
* Theme song: Tomo yo by Okabayashi Nobuyasu (岡林信康)
Nishida and Izumi played a married couple, and Nishida's possible forced early retirement raises questions of divorce. Their son, an unemployed but aspiring manga artist, gets in a fight with his father and leaves the house, but a "time slip" takes him back to the 1960s when his father was a university student. Using this plot device, the drama explores the differences between the lives of the baby boomers and today's youths. -- Tokyograph
* Nishida Toshiyuki as Onodera Riichi
o Tsutsumishita Atsushi as young Riichi
* Kato Shigeaki as Onodera Yu
* Izumi Pinko as Onodera Harumi
o Aibu Saki as young Harumi
* Kanda Masaki as Kamijo Yasuharu
o Oshinari Shugo as young Yasuharu
* Gin Pun Chou as Aihara Misae
o Ueno Natsuhi as young Misae
* Nukumizu Youichi as Nomura Tatsuya
* Ono Takehiko as Sugimoto
Production Credits
* Screenwriter: Asano Taeko
* Producer: Suzuki Sanae (鈴木早苗)
* Director: Kiyohiro Makoto
Tag : Japanese Drama, Japanese Television Show, JDrama, JDorama, J-Drama, Korean Drama, KDrama Episodes, Korean Shows, JDrama, and Japanese Movies, Korean Drama, Koream Movie, K-Drama, Mitsuru Adachi, Hiatari Ryoko!, TV Series
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