* Title (kana): 父の海、僕の空
* Title (romaji): Chichi no Umi, Boku no Sora
* Title (English): My Father's Ocean, My Sky
* Format: Tanpatsu
* Genre: Family drama
* Broadcast network: NTV
* Broadcast period: 2004-Aug-21
* Air time:
A heartwarming story about the relationship between a father and a son, and the importance of having a dream. Takizawa Hideaki plays the son of a restaurant owner who gives up his dream of becoming a musician when he learns his father is dying of cancer.
This made-for-TV movie special (tanpatsu) is part of 24HOUR TELEVISION "Love Saves the Earth" series.
* Takizawa Hideaki as Hayakawa Kyouhei
* Yamazaki Tsutomu as Hayakawa Shigenori
* Takahashi Keiko as Sumiko
* Miyazaki Aoi as Honoka Arai
* Abe Asami
* Kitamura Kazuo
* Yoshino Hiroshi
Tag : Japanese Drama, Japanese Television Show, JDrama, JDorama, J-Drama, Korean Drama, KDrama Episodes, Korean Shows, JDrama, and Japanese Movies, Korean Drama, Koream Movie, K-Drama, Mitsuru Adachi, Hiatari Ryoko!, TV Series
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