Leon Lai - Hongkong Actor

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Leon Lai, Hongkong Artist, Hongkong Boy, Hongkong Actor
Leon Lai is a Hong Kong-based actor and Cantopop singer. The media refer to Aaron Kwok, Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau and Leon Lai as the Cantopop Four Heavenly Kings. He uses the stage name "Li Ming" or "Lai Ming" which literally means "dawn."

Leon Lai, Hongkong Artist, Hongkong Boy, Hongkong Actor
Lai was born in Beijing, China as Lai Chit (黎捷) with Meixian, Guangdong ancestry.

His family was originally from Meixian. His parents divorced when he was four. He migrated with his Malaysian Chinese father, Lai Xinsheng to Hong Kong during the Cultural Revolution in China. At the age of fifteen, he attended King's Way Princeton College in the United Kingdom and returned to Hong Kong at the age of eighteen in 1984.

Leon Lai, Hongkong Artist, Hongkong Boy, Hongkong Actor
Lai initially worked as a salesperson for a mobile phone company. After being awarded second-runner-up in the 1986 5th New Talent Singing Awards, Lai received vocal coaching from Dai Si Zong (戴思聰).

In the same year he also obtained an artist contract from Capital Artists.[5] Lai did not release any albums for four years. As a result, his teacher, Dai, arranged to have him signed a contract with Polygram, later known as Universal Music.

Leon Lai, Hongkong Artist, Hongkong Boy, Hongkong Actor
In Polygram, he released his first album "Leon" and subsequent album "Meet In The Rain". His debut album went gold. After several years at Polygram, he then signed a new contract with Sony Music on 23 March 1998.

Together with Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau and Aaron Kwok, Lai was among the four most popular male singers during the 1990s, when the media referred to them as the "Four Heavenly Kings" (Chinese: 四大天王).

Leon Lai, Hongkong Artist, Hongkong Boy, Hongkong Actor

Leon Lai Profile

* Name: 黎明 / Lai Ming (Li Ming)
* English name: Leon Lai
* Also known as: Wah Wah / Fay Jai Ming / Lai Ming Jai
* Real name: Alexander Lai Chit
* Profession: Actor, singer, talent agent
* Birthdate: 1966-Dec-11
* Birthplace: Beijing, China
* Nationality: Hak-ka
* Height: 180cm
* Weight: 66kg
* Star sign: Sagittarius
* Chinese zodiac: Horse
* Blood type: B+
* Family: Wife/model Gaile Lai (樂基兒)

TV Series

* Class of Distinction 阿Sir 早晨 (TVB, 1994)
* The Legendary Ranger (TVB, 1992)
* The Breaking Point (TVB, 1991)
* The Challenge of Life (TVB, 1990)
* Cherished Moments (TVB, 1990)
* Song Bird 天涯歌女 (1989)
* Yanky Boy (1988)
* Chun Mun Kong Chuen Kei 晉文公傳奇 (1988)
* Bing Kuen 兵權 (1988)
* A Friend in Need (1988)
* Foundling's Progress 男兒本色 (1986)

TV Series Theme Songs

* Wishing You Won't Leave Tonight (願你今夜別離去), The Legendary Ranger theme song (1993)
* Fool (傻癡癡), Romance Beyond theme song (1993)


* Forever Enthralled as Mei Lan Fang (2008)
* An Empress and the Warriors as Duan Lan Quan (2008)
* The Matrimony (2007)
* Three (2002)


* Golden Horse Awards: Best Actor for "Three" (2002)


* Education: Christ College (Secondary School), King's Way Princeton College (England)
* Is known as one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Cantopop in Hong Kong along with Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, and Aaron Kwok
* Leon created his own record label with Peter Lam under the name A Music in 2004.

黎明,B.B.S.,M.H.(英文:Leon Lai,1966年12月11日-),生於中國北京,香港著名演員兼歌手。原本父母打算命名為「黎捷」,後來還是決定採用響亮好聽的「黎明」作為本名,黎明原籍北京,4歲時移居香港。15歲往英國讀書,18歲回港。1986年參加第五屆新秀歌唱大賽,憑蔡楓華原唱的《絕對空虛》一曲參賽獲得季軍(同年文佩玲得冠軍、許志安得亞軍),隨即加入娛樂圈發展。90年代開始紅遍華人地區,名列「四大天王」之一,更演出多部電視劇及電影,成績斐然。





黎明於1999年宣佈不再於香港領取任何關於音樂方面的奬項,但依然熱心公益,現任「公益金董事」、“聯合國兒童基金會國際親善大使”,並繼續拍戲與唱歌。目前擁有自己建立的唱片公司A Music。
[编辑] 近況

* 1998年拍攝<玻璃之城>邂逅擔任女主角的舒淇,然後相戀。不過男方介意女方曾為三級女星,戀情一直不被公開,而雙方戀情維持了六年告終。其後黎明在朋友杜汶澤的婚禮上重遇早年因拍廣告而認識的樂基兒,並在杜汶澤的鼓勵下,追求樂基兒,且勇於公開戀情。二人亦於2008年在美國註冊結婚。
* 2004年與林建岳合組唱片公司A Music。
o 2008年11月13日,黎明主演的电影《梅兰芳》在北京举行新浪官网启动仪式,本片将于2008年12月12日首映。黎明憑藉《梅蘭芳》進入億元票房俱樂部。。
* 2009年7月1日,黎明獲頒銅紫荊星章。


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