* Title (romaji): Kaibutsu-kun
* Format: Renzoku
* Genre: Fantasy comedy
* Episodes: 9
* Viewership rating: 13.9 (Kanto)
* Broadcast network: NTV
* Broadcast period: 2010-Apr-17 to 2010-June-12
* Air time: Saturday 21:00
* Theme song: Monster by Arashi
Tells the story of the prince of the land of monsters. As part of his training to succeed the throne, he visits the human world, where he has various adventures with other monsters.
Land of Monsters
* Ohno Satoshi as Kaibutsu-kun
* Kaga Takeshi as the king
* Yashima Norito as Dracula
* Ueshima Ryuhei (上島竜兵) as Werewolf
* Choi Hong Man (チェ・ホンマン) as Frankenstein
* Hankai Kazuaki as Jijiya
Demon World
* Matsuoka Masahiro as Demokin
* Inamori Izumi as Demorina
* Tsuda Kanji as Akkuma
* Iida Kisuke as Dr. Marisu
Human World
* Kawashima Umika as Ichikawa Utako
* Hamada Tatsuomi (濱田龍臣) as Ichikawa Hiroshi
* Miyake Hiroki as a policeman
* Fukui Yuko as the landlady
* Abe Keigo (上田瑠星) as Nobuo (Hiroshi's classmate)
* Nakamura Sakuya as Takasugi Yoshie's brother
Production Credits
* Original writing (manga): Kaibutsu-kun by Fujiko Fujio A (藤子不二雄Ⓐ)
* Screenwriter: Nishida Masafumi (西田征史)
* Chief Producer: Hazeyama Yuko
* Producers: Ikeda Kenji (池田健司), Harafuji Kazuteru (原藤一輝) , Akimoto Takayuki (秋元孝之)
* Directors: Nakajima Satoru (中島悟), Kariyama Shunsuke (狩山俊輔), Ishio Jun (石尾純)
* Music: Izutsu Akio (井筒昭雄)
* Opening Narration: Yoshida Masumi (吉田真澄)
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