* Title: 瞳 (ひとみ)
* Title (romaji): Hitomi
* Genre: Family drama
* Episodes: 156 (15 mins. each)
* Viewership ratings: 1st=16.5, High=18.5, Avg=16.4
* Broadcast network: NHK
* Broadcast period: 2008-Mar-31 to 2008-Sep-27
* Air time: Monday through Saturday at 8:15
Series Synopsis
The 78th NHK Asadora is Hitomi. The series takes place in the old shitamachi area of Tokyo, and in these most recent episodes, 20-year old heroine Hitomi becomes the force around which her divorced mother, long estranged from her own father, is forced to reconcile and renew a sense of family camaraderie.
This is not particularly easy, given the trifling issues and problems of modern day life that beset each of the characters, and the drama unfolds with a light comedic touch. Hitomi's upbringing is the issue that is constantly brought into focus. The family reconciliation is made possible, ironically through the death of Hitomi's grandmother. Hitomi seizes the opportunity to travel to her funeral from Sapporo. Once there, she sets out to realize her dream of becoming a dancer, all the while interfering with and disrupting her grandfather's life. ---groink
Week-by-week synopses can be found via this link.
Ippongi (一本木) Family
* Eikura Nana as Hitomi
* Iijima Naoko as Momoko (Hitomi's mother)
* Nishida Toshiyuki as Katsutaro (Hitomi's grandfather)
* Sumitomo Kenichi (住友健一) as Yoshino Kota
Tsukishima - Tsukuda - Tsukiji
* Maeda Gin as Ishida Yujiro
* Kinomi Nana as Takagi Mari
* Yasuda Ken as Ishida Yuzo
* Sugai Kin as Yokoyama Ume
* Ogura Hisahiro as Nakane Makoto
* Kobayashi Masahiro as Nakane Hiroshi
* Sasai Eisuke as Rose Mama
* Takada Nobuhiko (高田延彦) as Morimoto Shosuke
* Uno Misako as Endo Keiko
* Okayama Hajime as Morimoto Daisuke
Foster Children
* Yoshitake Reo (吉武怜朗) as Sano Akira
* Morisako Ei as Oka Yuria
* Nakamura Sakuya as Saito Shota
* Mitsushima Hikari as Hashimoto Junko
* Tano Asami (田野アサミ) as Kitagawa Yuka
* Suzuki Seina (鈴木聖奈) as Tanaka Moe
* Koko (香子) as RAY (Hoshizaki Reiko)
* Maki Daisuke as KEN
* Kondo Masaomi as Wakayama Yoshiyuki
* Ino Manabu (猪野学) as Takayanagi Shunsuke
* Totsugi Shigeyuki as Hashimoto Keichi (Junko's older brother)
* Matsumoto Runa as Morita Sara
* Matsukane Yoneko
Production Credits
* Screenwriter: Suzuki Satoshi
* Narrator: Furuno Akiko (古野晶子)
* Producer: Ozaki Mitsunobu
* Directors: Ozaki Mitsunobu, Manabe Hitoshi (真鍋斎), Nagikawa Yoshiro (梛川善郎)
* Music: Yamashita Kosuke
Tag : Japanese Drama, Japanese Television Show, JDrama, JDorama, J-Drama, Korean Drama, KDrama Episodes, Korean Shows, JDrama, and Japanese Movies, Korean Drama, Koream Movie, K-Drama, TV Series,
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