Japanese Drama - Gekidan Engimono
* Title: 劇団演技者
* Title (romaji): Gekidan Engimono
* Broadcast network: Fuji TV
* Genre: Varies
* Broadcast dates: Varies
* Airtime: Tuesday 24:00
Overall Synopsis
Fuji-TV reserves the late-night time period to be used for experimental projects, giving up-and-coming young screenwriters, producers and directors a place to develop their skills and televise their works. Each renzoku drama last four weeks. The cast is made up of young artistes who are either already established in the geinoukai, or are relatively unknowns looking for the chance to appear on television. The subject matters covered also cater to the younger viewing audience.
Unlucky Days - Natsume no Mousou
* Title: アンラッキー・デイズ ~ナツメの妄想~
* Episodes: 4 plus SP
* Broadcast period: 2004-Apr-14 to 2004-May-12 (2004-May-9 SP)
* Sakurai Sho as Kantaku
* Koyama Keiichiro as Sanada
* Hirayama Aya as Miki
* Yamaguchi Ryoichi (山口良一)
* Sugai Kin
* Kawahara Sabu
* Seto Yoichiro
* Yamazaki Hajime
* Hankai Kazuaki
* Komura Yujiro (小村裕次郎) as Amano
* Yamazaki Shigenori as Narita
* Shimizu Hiroshi (清水宏) as Nomura
* Minagawa Sarutoki (皆川猿時) as Sakura
* Osada Nao (長田奈麻) as Anego
* Isawa Takayuki (井澤崇行) as Isaka
* Sasaki Mitsuhiro (佐々木光弘) as Sakai
* Keralino Sandorovich (ケラリーノ・サンドロヴィッチ) as Natsume
Tag : Japanese Drama, Japanese Television Show, JDrama, JDorama, J-Drama, Korean Drama, KDrama Episodes, Korean Shows, JDrama, and Japanese Movies, Korean Drama, Koream Movie, K-Drama, TV Series,
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